
Friday, October 27, 2023

flax seeds

 What is flax seed

Flax seeds (in English: Linseed) are soft and shiny brown seeds . They are edible and are used as a healthy food. They are considered an important source of omega-3 acids and dietary fiber.

Flax seeds have been consumed since ancient times, during the time of the Greeks and Romans, because they contain many nutrients necessary for health, the most important of which are protein, iron, calcium, manganese, thiamin, magnesium, phosphorus, and copper.

Flax seeds can be eaten roasted or raw, and they may be ground and added to baked goods, salads, and juices. Flax seed oil can be ted from them, which is very beneficial for the ski and hair.

Nutritional value of flax seeds

Flax seeds contain many nutrients and active substances, including vitamins, minerals, and healthy omega-3 fats . A tablespoon of ground flax seeds, weighing 7 grams, contains the following nutrients:

Calories: 37.4 calories.                                                             

Protein: 1.28 g.

Fat: 2.95 g.

Carbohydrates: 2.02 g.

Dietary fiber: 1.91 g.h                                    

Calcium: 17.8 mg.

Magnesium: 27.4 mg.

Phosphorus: 44.9 mg.

Potassium: 56.9 mg.

Folic acid: 6.09 micrograms.

Lutein and zeaxanthin: 45.6 micrograms.

Flax seeds are rich in fiber and low in carbohydrates, which means they prevent constipation and contribute to removing toxins from the body.

Flax seeds contain a high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for maintaining health. Flax seeds are gluten- free , which means they are a great alternative for people with gluten allergies.

Benefits of flax seeds for the heart

Flax seeds contribute to lowering the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, due to their rich content of dietary fiber and omega-3, which protects against heart disease and atherosclerosis, as continuous consumption of flax seeds contributes to reducing the risk of these disease.

Benefits of flax seeds for diabetes

Eating flax seeds regularly helps:

It lowers blood sugar levels and contributes to its regulation.

Eating flax seeds improves insulin sensitivity and reduces insulin resistance.

It provides the body with strengthening antioxidants that protect the pancreas from damage, which is responsible for insulin secretion.

Benefits of flax seeds for hair and skin

The fatty acids in flax seeds are beneficial in:

Preserving hair, giving it strength and shine, and reducing hair loss.

Hair resistance to damage increases , due to the presence of essential fatty acids that are essential in the structure of hair follicles.

Flax seeds maintain healthy skin and reduce dryness.

Relieves the symptoms of skin disorders such as acne and eczema.

Flax seed oil is considered one of the best oils that can be used to maintain healthy hair, skin, nails, and eyes as well, due to its high concentration of healthy fats.

Healthy hair and clear skin can be achieved by adding two tablespoons of flax seeds to the daily diet, or using flax seed oil topically on the hair and skin to obtain hydration and get rid of dryness.

Benefits of flax seeds for slimming

Eating flax seeds supports the process of losing weight and reducing obesity, due to the healthy fats and fibers in flax seeds that give a feeling of fullness for a longer period, which prevents you from eating more calories, thus losing weight and reaching a healthy weight.

Benefits of flax seeds for treating arthritis

Flaxseed oil is one of the oils that arthritis patients recommend to use topically for massage, especially for those who suffer from knee pain, as it contains Omega-3, which is beneficial for the joints.

Benefits of flax seeds for women

Eating flax seeds reduces the symptoms of menopause, menopause, and hormonal imbalance. Therefore, flax seeds can be used as a complementary treatment to balance hormones because they contain properties similar to estrogen.

Among the benefits of flax seeds for the menstrual cycle is that it helps in:

Regulating the menstrual cycle.

Stimulate the ovulation process.

Reducing the risk of osteoporosis associated with menopause.

How to use flax seeds

Flax seeds can be added to the diet in the following ways:

Mix flax seeds with breakfast cereal.

Add flax seeds to muffins.

Add them to salad or mayonnaise.

Mix flaxseeds with yogurt or smoothies.

Harmful effects of flax seeds

Flax seeds can cause some side effects , as raw seeds can contain toxins, but they disappear after roasting. You should also drink a lot of water when eating flax seeds, because not drinking a sufficient amount leads to constipation and disorders in the digestive system.

Contraindications for the use of flax seeds

There are some groups that should be careful when using flax seeds, including the following:

Pregnant women: Flax seeds can lead to hormonal disorders during pregnancy, which may pose a risk to pregnancy, so it is best to avoid eating them during pregnancy.

Surgical procedures: Taking flaxseed oil may reduce blood clotting, which may lead to bleeding during surgery, so you should refrain from taking it at least two weeks before the scheduled surgery date.

Taking medications: Eating flax seeds can interfere with some drug treatments, such as blood pressure-lowering medications and blood sugar-lowering medications, so you should consult a doctor in these cases before taking flax seeds.

Allergies: Flax seeds may cause allergies in some people, in which case they should avoid eating them.

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